Monday, May 25, 2009

Those who shall not be named (aka squirrels)

My utter hatred for squirrels began around age 11-12, when my class went on a fieldtrip to the Boston Museum of Science. There was a display of dead & stuffed animals and after only one glance up - I was scarred for life. A freaking flying squirrel. A FLYING squirrel!?! It looked like grandma's quilt had sprouted hands, feet & a head and was ready to swoop down and get all tangled up in my freaking hair! (I have always had "hair issues", that's another blog all together). It is one of the most unnatural looking things you have ever seen (I mean, LOOK at that freaking picture!!) ::shudders::
So, fast-forward about 12+ years and hubs & I are renting a house and we put a badminton net in the backyard. The damn mofo squirrels start hucking acorns down at me. Not hubs...just ME! WTH!?!? At this point I am feeling like there is a little squirrel post office or headquarters somewhere where my picture is hanging up like a "Wanted" poster. All the squirrels are in on it and I am "Public Enemy #1".
A friend comes to visit us at the house we were renting and decides it would be funny to feed peanuts to the squirrels. The little f*#kers were coming right up onto my deck! It got to the point where I could no longer go in my backyard, so I did the only logical thing I could do...I moved. Told hubs we had to leave so we bought another house. For real.
The only time I don't mind the little flying rodents is when I see them "sleeping" peacefully in the middle of the road, just napping away all quiet and still. ::evil grin::


  1. Napping in the middle of the road=road kill! love it!!! We've got plenty of squirrels and bunnies napping on our street. they aren't very smart! lol

  2. We don't have squirrell's near my house, safe to live or visit here! :)


    i can't tell you how much i love squirrels.
    i mean, you already know.
    it's one of those things we just will not agree on.

    and seeing them sleeping in the road makes me so sad i could almost cry :( #islame #lovesusinghashtagsoutsideoftwitter


    #twitterbff FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. that is hilarious!

    and i knew this about you, but didn't know where it came from. they are ALL over my front yard... i think they just aren't scared of anything since i live in the hood. #truestory.

    i can't look at any of them with out shivering and thinking about you.

    happy blogging!

  5. OME! Too funny!

    Every time I see a sleeping squirrel I think of you. True story.

  6. OM...*tears from laughing so hard* I love that you moved! >_< This is me not liking rodents....or any tiny furry thing. ::raises eyebrow and shaking head:: Can't trust 'em, little f*#kers BITE! No, not. cool.

  7. That is a disturbing little f'er! Heck, I would move too. Looks like a bat.
